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In Aar Paar 2, artists used internet to exchange images over the net between India and Pakistan, which were then printed locally into posters. Pakistani artists images were printed in India and vice versa. These were plastered on the walls in two cities, Mumbai and Karachi, and also distributed door to door. In Aar Paar 1, which took place in 2000, 5 works were swapped between the two countries and hung in local tea stall and juice centres. But since post the Kargil war, physical mail across the borders had tightened, therefore the internet proved to be a suitable tool, enabling independent media to be shared in physical format... esp in a South Asian context where internet access is still restricted to a very small section in the society. open infomediary resource and discourse platform 4 the academic; mnemopol serves as a pool for austrian academic papers of all disciplines - combines this with a relais station to broadband online journals (http://science.orf.at; www.oeh.ac.at; www.derstandard.at) where transcripts of the academic outcomes are published as reviews. young scientific discourse shall be enhanced; young academics are given public forums and free fluctus of information is in the forefront In Project Oekonux different people with different opinions and different methods study the economic and political forms of Free Software. An important question is, whether the principles of the development of Free Software may be the foundation of a new economy which may be the base for a new society. Budapest Open Access Initiative An old tradition and a new technology have converged to make possible an unprecedented public good. The old tradition is the willingness of scientists and scholars to publish the fruits of their research in scholarly journals without payment, for the sake of inquiry and knowledge. The new technology is the internet. The public good they make possible is the world-wide electronic distribution of the peer-reviewed journal literature and completely free and unrestricted access to it by all scientists, scholars, teachers, students, and other curious minds. Removing access barriers to this literature will accelerate research, enrich education, share the learning of the rich with the poor and the poor with the rich, make this literature as useful as it can be, and lay the foundation for uniting humanity in a common intellectual conversation and quest for knowledge. Kingdom of Piracy <KOP> is an online, open workspace to explore the free sharing of digital content - often condemned as piracy - as the net's ultimate art form. Consume is a collaborative strategy for the self provision of a broadband telecommunications infrastructure. Announcing the launch of DISCORDIA: --a collaborative weblog working at the intersections of art, dissent, theory, tech culture and politics. Discordia is an online discussion forum where YOU post and moderate and filter the content. Non-English threads are encouraged. Discordia is not a replacement for mailing lists and is pronounced "Discordia 'R Us." Discordia has been developed by a diverse group of people distributed across six time zones working together exclusively online. Discordia is now ready to welcome participation from people in any time zone writing in any language. Read our Why text and FAQ before you start: http://www.discordia.us/scoop/special/whydiscordia/ http://www.discordia.us/scoop/special/faq Video Art Project/Web Based Project (Lives) Artist Statement: I will working on art works project entitled "Wishes, Lies and Dreams II". And I would like invited childrens, peoples/artists and disabled persons for sharing their Wishes/ Dreams in my artwork project. "Wishes, Lies and Dreams II" will created to explore intimacy and emotional resonance with the viewer with combines artistic and fantasy to expores experience of remembering ; questioning the fantastic advanture of nature, recognizing disquieting patterns, facing emerging memories, understanding the nature. Segments are combined with bluring images and vauge to create and impression of subconscious memory and dreams. Come with me.... Project Titled: “ Wishes, Lies and Dreams” I wishes…, I hope. , I’m angry…, I’m afraid… I’m sad…, I’m happy…. Untitled is a series of experimental VDO art depicting the world of “Unconscious” --All around us are racial and tribal, war, border, confuse and conflict. How are we to interpret these --Signs of The Times-- in their proper context?" Project titled: Collaboration Contemporary Art /Media Arts: " A View Though The Red Window " on the cutting edge of the 21st "A Critical Time of The World Civilization " Basic Concept: My aim is to investigate the possibilities of conceptual visual language and to develop Collaborative New Art as part of Contemporary Art/Contemporary Global Social Structure and part of the Technological Civilization we live in today. Especially, how can Contemporary Art enhance distribution of information, profound universality in the nature of man and cross-cultural artistic and critical collaborations. The meaning of the possibilities to enrich Contemporary Art may also come into question. Main questions are: are sensations-reactions concerning Contemporary Art still meaningful today?; How can conceptual contemporary artistic ideas and processes solve global problems?; and can conceptual contemporary art reveal corrupted social values in capital cities and create a bridge between present and future generations? Indymedia is a global network which generates counterinformation on more than 100 open publishing websites. A part from physical meetings, Indymedia volunteers are coordinating the production and sharing of content through a system of between 600 and 700 email-lists, a twiki with over 600 users on currently 2723 topics, and a number of irc chats. The network is based on openness and broad participation. All software is opensource, most lists are publicly archived, everybody can sign up to the twiki, log-on in chatrooms, or publish on the newswire. On 13 March 2002, V2_Organisation (Rotterdam, The Netherlands) and the Virtual Platform organised an expert meeting about copyright, focusing on its relevance to interdisciplinary (art) projects in the field of image culture and digital culture. The expert meeting's aims were to identify problems and bottlenecks that cultural institutes are faced with and to clarify the wishes and interests of the cultural sector. The expert meeting was a first preparation for an international symposium on copyrights that will probably take place in late 2002. This symposium will look at possible solutions and will formulate a specific advice to national and European political forums. A report of this meeting is available (in Dutch). THE INJUNCTION GENERATOR a service brought to you by ubermorgen.com via IPNIC.org is there any web-site you wanna take off the web using a highly subversive method? on our server, you auto-generate an "INJUNCTION" [.pdf/.rtf format], a standard court-order, claiming the target-website to operate on an illegal basis. this document will then be sent to the appropriate dns-registrar [dns=domain name service], to the owner of the web-site and possibly to some journalists for legal and public processing. all you have to do is to simply fill out a form and send it off, it will take you not more than 15 minutes. if the web-site is taken down we will inform you via email. this very useful platform [ipnic] grew out of our project [V]ote-auction. during the [V]ote-auction operation in fall 2000, an american court [circuit court of cook county, chicago] issued a temporary injunction against the "individuals" [ubermorgen, james baumgartner, and others] behind [V]ote-auction. this injunction was then sent out per email to corenic, the dns-registrar in geneva/switzerland. after receiving this email, corenic decided to shut down all dns-services on the domain vote-auction.com without notice. the jurisdiction of an american court order does obviously not include switzerland, the delivery of a court-order cannot be official via email, nevertheless we were offline. but, thanks to this creative action and reaction, we were inspired to build a public shutdown-service. you can find some documentation of our [V]ote-auction "MEDIA HACK" at vote-auction.net or check out the google database. n the essay "The Work of Artists in a Databased Society: net.art as on-line activism," I discuss two forms of on-line resistance as executed through two artist projects that use the networked database structure as a tool for social contestation. First, TO INFORM: Brooke Singer exposes her own electronic data to enlighten a general public of one's freely available data. Second, TO SUBVERT: iSEE, a collaborative project between the Institute for Applied Autonomy and the Surveillance Camera Players makes use of the database structure to subvert the monitoring of the public sphere. An excerpt from the essay's introduction states that: If we accept Walter Benjamin's statement that property and possession belong to the tactical sphere, the computer age in conjunction with our networked reality have introduced a new tactical sphere - - the marketplace of information. At the heart of this sphere is the database, the warehouse of information Each public sphere is part of a civil domain that is governed by a set of laws and policies. Therefore, just as any civil, public space, the Internet must have its own set of policies that mirror those of our physical space. Amongst the on-line policies and regulations currently being established are decisions pertaining to appropriate policing and monitoring of cyber space, and determining the boundaries of privacy in a networked society. The questions surrounding on-line privacy are complex and encompass a wide number of issues such as ownership, which in itself introduces a chain of other questions. It is impossible to present an answer to these involved questions as they will continue to arise. However, I do contend that unless non-governing independent groups protect the Internet as a space for independent production, dissemination and open discourse, the radical potential of the Internet will be consumed, largely through its very nature. Therefore, if there exists today an artist avant-garde, looking to merge art with daily social life, it is the growing number of socially active artist engaged in cyber resistance as a critical practice in which the network and the database represent tools for engagement. For conference presentation or publication please emial me. The essay was published in the March issue of the magazine Afterimage. womenspacework is an independent, non-profit and selforganized feminist internet project. It offers a structure to make feminist theories, practices and projects more visible. It serves as a tool for networking. It is functioning as a navigation instrument to support feminist activism on the internet and, in so doing, outside webspace as well. Under the rubric workspace users find a collection of basic theoretical information on cyberfeminism and links to texts on feminist and lesbian theory and practice, cybergeography and netart. The section network serves to illustrate various feminist projects and initiatives on the Web with link lists which are annotated with quotations. Freenet is a large-scale peer-to-peer network, which pools the power of member computers around the world to create a massive virtual information store, much like a global hard drive. The main aim of Freenet is to help preserve freedom of speech on the Internet. Because of this, Freenet functions very differently from most other peer-to-peer networks today. To achieve this freedom, the network is built first and foremost with anonymity in mind. Without anonymity there can never be true freedom of speech as it is then open to censorship. Communications by Freenet nodes are encrypted and are "routed-through" other nodes to make it more difficult to determine who is requesting the information and what its content is. Openlaw is an experiment in crafting legal argument in an open forum. With your assistance, we will develop arguments, draft pleadings, and edit briefs in public, online. Non-lawyers and lawyers alike are invited to join the process by adding thoughts to the "brainstorm" outlines, drafting and commenting on drafts in progress, and suggesting reference sources. There are now many community networks, but they are seperated physically and topologically and do not form a coherent network. This document is an attempt to connect those network islands by providing the minimum baseline template for a peering agreement between owners of individual network nodes - the Pico Peering Agreement. The PPA is a way of formalising agreements to route between network peers. Owners of network nodes assert their right of ownership by declaring their willingness to donate the free exchange of data across their networks. The PPA is maintained at picopeer.net by a group of volunteers from around the world, and is intended as a template for other small-scale peering documents and licenses. The OVA project has been launched in 1999. The basis of OVA is ORANG {Open Radio Archive Network Group, http://orang.orang.org/}. It offers a dynamical platform for the presentation of video content for independant artists and other creative people in the cultural environment. OVA will be a distributed archive, which means, that video content can published on different servers. But the access to the entire pool of video materials on all OVA systems is assured. Each publishing on one of the associated systems leads to an automated update of the databases of all other systems, within seconds. OVA represents a new generation of video archive. Unlike the conventional video archives that only work with transmitter/receiver broadcasting, OVA is an open video archive system, based on the internet. Recepients can choose their specific video content, according to their personal interests, can watch it anytime and can add content to the system. Everyone's favourite projects: Wikipedia is a multilingual project to create a complete and accurate open content encyclopedia. We started on January 15, 2001 encyclopedia. We started on January 15, 2001 articlesand are already working on 110535 in the English version. The Bomb Project is a comprehensive on-line compendium of nuclear-related links, imagery and documentation. It is intended specifically as a resource for artists, and encourages those working in all media, from net.art, film and video, eco-intervention and site-specific installation to more traditional forms of agitprop, to use this site to search for raw material. The Bomb Project has gathered together links to nuclear image archives (still and moving), historical documents, current news, NGOs and activist organizations as well as government labs and arms treaties. It makes accessible the declassified files and graphic documentation produced by the nuclear industry itself, providing a context for comparative study, analysis and creativity. Hungover from radical doses of branding and commercial information lately, we, the organizers of Memefest, have decided to help Slovenian and global youth fight the power while celebrating their strengths and talents. As a “festival or radical communication”, Memefest sets out to explore the power that our disseminated ideas "memes" have to spin the social fabric. By encouraging the creation and dispersion of beneficial memes, we hope that we may bring some balance back into a brand-crazy world. Year- round, Memefest serves as a forum for discussion and site for the exposition of radical communications strategies. All are welcome to cruise the site and to comment on content. Each year, Memefest singles out a text and/or image that serves as a focal point for a critical take on the current media environment. In the spring, the festival’s competition opens to both graduate and undergraduate students of Communication Studies, Sociology and (except the Beyond… Category which is open to non-students as well). Participants are asked to respond to the chosen texts and images with written or visual entries (according to their discipline). After the May deadline, submissions are evaluated by an international jury composed of distinguished professors and artists as well as professionals from the spheres of journalism, design, advertising and social marketing. Those who have submitted their works can view the juror’s comments online. The best entries in each category, as chosen by the jury, will be awarded a cash prize of 300 EUROS. It change your spaces every hours. Neighborhood. Room. Strangers. Home. Inside/Outside. The others. Cities. Networks. People. Communication. Languages. Architecture. Music. Spaces for living. Buil.Dings is a project of interactive fiction for Internet whose scenario is made possible and is worked out by the intervention of several people who have been requested to send the image of a building, a dwelling or a house seen from the outside. These images, these places, are then applied inside a 3D model in which the Net surfers can move. There is sounds events in this space which constitutes the screen of a dialogue, of a narration from one place to another. The unit joins together as many interactive objects. Instruments of possible scenarios, and also audio-visual fragments. fAktions, classified files, the cult magazine WHY Rotterdam and the legend about an ongoing battle of one canadian and one austrian passportholder against consenus reality at it's best experienced in former neoliberalist now rightwing rotterdam A conference in Madrid (2003) on Piracy, plagiarism, levies on photocopies and CD-Rs, anti-piracy boards, free-software mouvement, Napster, copyleft, "Top Manta", biopiracy, generic medicines, peer to peer technologies... now it's a long time since our present time gets overloaded with all sorts of words and names which actually go to express a deep-rooted social dispute about circulation of ideas, intellectual property, types of copyright, free access to public goods and the sources of creation. The idea behind the ourproject.org initiative is for it to be a tool which encourages the cooperative work effort of all types of people from every part of the world, promoting the coming together of people and the exchange of ideas and solutions to problems, with the condition that the results of the projects will remain freely accessible to whoever may find them useful, within this tool. In order to translate the Free Software and Open Source initiative to other fields in life, ourproject.org tries to make easier the cooperative work between people with similar interests about any content, by the use of the Internet as the main communication method, although no other media is to be discarded. The results from the combined efforts that are achieved must be available under free distribution license (read our licenses section for more information). Stream Studio is multipurpose open streaming solution and can be regarded as both technological know-how and a product. It is an open source based platform for Internet streaming of various types of audio-visual media. It is a tested and continuously improving technology and it comes with absolutely no licensing and software costs. More information about Stream Studio you can find at: http://streamstudio.cult.bg This is an active 'wiki' about open source software in general, and more particularly, links to various projects and activities in Asia. The entire 'wiki' content is released under the GNU Free Documentation License, 'GFDL'. The project “Open Secret” launched by Cultural Centre REX/Belgrade (www.rex.b92.net) and partner organizations AIMS to: - offer, implement and use the emancipatory artistic practice into the field of recognizable social and cultural phenomenon - engage the widest spectre of authors and other participants in the project into defining, discussing, and re-thinking the relations in cultural policy and production - establish a favourable interaction to the Draft Law on Free Access to Information for Serbia (proposed by the Lawyers Committee For Human Rights (YUCOM), Centre for Policy Studies, Forum for Ethnic Relations and the European Movement in Serbia). (see: Model law on free access of information)) The issues of the project are content-based on the one hand and methodoriented on the other hand. Both of them aim to create an active attitude of citizens towards the Open Secret “secrecy” and of course, availability of information in possession of state authorities. THE CONTENT “Open Secret” emphasises the need that every citizen should be granted free access to information and the official procedures that are unavailable to the general public in Serbia. Moreover, “Open Secret” offers the opportunity for pinpointing and creative treatment of any local topic that is considered to be an open secret. Here, the project interferes with present social conjunctions that maintain or even reproduce the phenomenon of Open Secret. The text of the Draft Law on Free Access to Information provides an indirect analysis of the unacceptable behaviour of the authorities as regards public affaires. The text of this draft law and the issues dealt with in the articles of that law give an insight into the existing ossified pattern of the usual attitude of state and public institutions towards analysing, processing and archiving information owned (and produced) by them. Many of these attitudes have become widely accepted as typified and unchangeable. The very inertness of the administration and inefficiency of critical public opinion create and provide long-term favourable conditions for the existence of open secrets: for example, that corruption is an unavoidable method of dealing with the authorities of state in Serbia. Creative answers to this topic provided by the Open Secret project, given in the form of artistic or documentary work, should avoid the trap that campaigns, public discussions or debates in the media often fall into: this project adresses not the abstract target group of interested and concerned citizens. Instead, it generates interest and concerns using the methods inherited in contemporary artistic practice. The procedure of proposing the draft law and generating public pressure on the authorities in charge of passing the Law on Free Access to Information will be reinforced by the creative contribution of the participants and the media coverage of the Open Secret project. THE METHODOLOGY The main method applied when carrying out this project consists of holding instructive, consultative and creative workshops which provide conditions for creative work of the participants and for organizing local and closing exhibitions. Cultural Centre REX and its partner organisations Resource Centres in Bor, Leskovac, Nis and Novi Pazar (founded by the Human Rights Committees and the Swedish Helsinki Committee for Human Rights), organize five local and one closing, joint, exhibition of artistic and documentary works on the topic OPEN SECRET. Four open workshops for any interested participants are held in every town of partner organizations. Firstly the topic will be introduced with inputs from different legal, artistic and philosophic experts through a workshop. Further workshops with artist moderators and their local assistants will consult the participants concerning the concept and production of works. The local exhibitions in every town will widen the number of citizens getting in contact with the topic. Finally there will be the closing, joint exhibition held in Belgrade in order to show the best works together and also test the reaction of official cultural structures. The projects starts in may with the first workshops and will end by the end of the year with the closing exhibition. Full documentation on http://www.rex.b92.net/javnatajna/. ixi software is a small project about interfacing sound. it is a collection of dozen or so prototypes of musical instruments. the research involves how the musician works with sounds on the computer. there are also some texts on software art or processor art on the site. everything is downloadable for free from the website, enjoy. Patterns and a steady stream of new scientific insights depicted as a library of all possibilities. The idea is that it's a process. It is to participate in a vital self- organizing rendering system. Influences and chaotic feedback are constantly at work within this creative loop. The library and laboratory full of data gathering abilities can be exploited extensively. Visitorsare just lifting the curtain to reveal a beautiful structure. The system of multiple loops reconfigurates in various ways, while all i do is supply the visual elements, viewable thoughts and theories and musical sounds; and the system of environment and computer spawns new patterns. The experience falls in a new place between art and science and playing. All of it is an enfolding of self-organized chaotic systems within systems moving with sensitivity toward emergence and change. Complexity and art are about the missing information and boundless beauty. Art and complexity as a theatre and theory of the mind. Our vision is an intelligent process of active construction, it is able to propel us to exponential improvements in performance. Research and surprise are freeing us to go wherever the quest for knowledge leads. We live within movements constantly effecting each other and more and more things gain the ability to interact. The rhythms of activity pervade all the fine details of life and creates advanced structures of beauty and symmetry. Our images are oscillating with the poetry of quantum theory. Stay quantum: being in many states simultaneously. We meander through spaces of ambiguity always on the look out for nuances and subtlety. We - shaped by the deliberate efforts of our intelligence - are spawning new forms of intelligent entities and interactions more complex than the thinker. The intelligent space or the library of all possibilities for creating a composition of knowledge through a room full of sensing, computing and communicating objects can be elaborated to various degrees. They all invite to navigate through sublime beauty on the edge of chaos with plenty of room to create what we see, resonating in sympathy within the flux of transforming scenarios. More and more possible worlds become viewable as our ability to process data increases. The game is called: make increasingly huge interpretative leaps. And here the visitor navigates through the boundless flow of imagining, processing and connecting A mathemartist is a conspicuous poet, parading under the banner of transformation, moving beyond inertia, in the abstract completeness aimed at - in the higher nonconsensus wave dynamics, in a participating universe of Tat Tvam Asi. as an information gatherer and adventurous mind, my visual thinking, aesthetic dimensions and imaginary number fields are influenced by reason and magic, math and myth, physics and psychology. The hand of an artist or natures dynamics are the origin of my paintings and compositions, from where the imagery and music is spinning into a concerto of new motions and subtle variations. Natural, computer-generated, man-made are inseparable categories in this process of entangled interactions, body signals, dreams and synchronicities. Painting- computing is both math and psychology. i ask what can be accomplished by training our senses for complex visual thinking, imagining multidimensional intricate structures, like randomness and intuition have played with plentitude and precision. Our images are dancing to the tune of many sets of equation in constant evolution as our concepts of number, color, words, tone, form, and meaning are changing. The revealing structure generated, choreographed by the relationship between spaces, sets and abstract places of the mind can be interpreted, rearranged, combined, translated, elucidated in new and renaissance ways. The resulting augmentation of our senses is surrounding and animating our language of the abstract that has spin7 x densityP. This process of visual thinking and apprehending the world through mathemartics, this reformularizing intuition converges to beauty, elegance and knowledge. Art of Immersion features four installations by internationally renowned media artists, who create virtual environments that change our perception of space and time, that are dissolving the boundaries between the body and the environment, between physical reality and the immaterial world. Art of Immersion is a Media Art Festival initiated by the Development Workshop for Computer Media, BEC, Bonn, and the Research Center Virtual Environments, Fraunhofer Institut for Media Communication, (IMK-VE), Sankt Augustin, Germany. art-en-jeu.ch is a website dedicated to information about art it ooffer an agenda, inteviews and exhibition criticism. The "Over My Dead Body" project is a world wide, online, virtual demonstration, politicising the major themes of globalisation and the economy, the environment, etc. The federating platform is the promotion of "the politics of generosity" to unblock the stranglehold of financial and nationalist self-interest upon the world's destiny. It is evident that the current war against Iraq enters within a definition of corporate imperialism: thus protest against the war is currently at the top of the "Over My Dead Body" project's agenda. http://www.overmydeadbody.org People are invited to participate, and are represented symbolically in the demonstration by their name, place of residence, and if they so wish, photo, and virtual placard. Thus people from the four corners of the globe may march together, and in this way the demo is a powerful and active metaphor for fraternity. Take a moment to watch people pass by, seeing where they come from and what they say. The site also contains a section called "The State of Things", which presents an evolving portrait of the world today. The "About" section contains the project Manifesto, and other information. Also, here is the "Over My Dead Body" project newsletter with six antiwar posters. Be free to distribute widely! http://www.overmydeadbody.org/articles/news-affiches_03-03-14.htm [I cordially invite you to come join the demo with us! Please make a link to the "Over My Dead Body" project. And forward this message to your family, your friends, your colleagues, your mailing list... The presence of each person is important: a trickle becomes a torrent that becomes a tidal wave, rolling for change.] The global digital community are invited to anonymously express their naked identity using visual images of their bodies. Individual net users participate in a collective, live event, confronting social and cultural representations of the body within the net community, by revealing and viewing their previously unknown corporeality via net-based technology. Sky Man is a net project by Carlo Zanni <http://www.zanni.org> SkyMan is a browseable on line portrait of a man watching clouds passing over his head "depicted" through a new tool called "Query Fill". Instead of having lines of pixels generating the portrait, "Query Fill" allows users to "create" the work through images taken from search engine query results. Some parts of SkyMan (the man's profile) are alterable by users (through queries) some others (the clouds) are periodically reloaded from one fixed query searching for images from skynews worldwide page. In this way SkyMan is changed by an audience and it has an area becoming older (changing) with the days. Because of real time image finding process, this portrait tells us about our own life, and, in some ways, it becomes old as the famous Dorian Grey's Portrait by Oscar Wilde. SkyMan is a portrait of our time: you can change your own profile (social behaviors) but sky news still influence your life. There is any kind of "social umbrella" defending us from that soft (?) bombing. SkyMan displays our daily condition as a social thermometer. "Query fill" is a conceptual tool based on php scripts and Google APIs searching and displaying images taken from search engine query results. "Query fill" is a way to paint with images instead of only with pixels. It is a "live paintbrush" a "magic wand" giving "life" to things. Clouds are random generated by a script changing both departure coordinates both shape of clouds and speediness at each round. Background colors are changed by a script that reads the client time (hour and minutes) and displays sky colors starting from that moment and following a 24 hours cycle. The soundtrack is by Arvo Pärt. Arvo Pärt is a well known musician who writes his music without playing it Carlo Zanni (Italy) is an Italian born artist (1975) living between Milan and New York. His artistic practice is focused on the intersection of computation and representation. He paints Landscapes and he programs Portraits. His work was showed, among other venues at: P.S.1 New York (2001), MCA Chicago, Analix Forever Geneva, 3rd Montreal Biennial (2002). In 2003 he was commissioned by CCA Glasgow. http://www.zanni.org (SkyMan is just fro PC, if you have visualization problems, please follow this link: http://www.softaid.biz/skyman/skymanscreenshots/stills1px/skyman1pxSLIDE001.gif or browse the still gallery: http://www.softaid.biz/skyman/gallery.htm ) Please, use a PC instead of a Mac. Please, turn your speakers on. Please, close all the applications, this work needs the 95% of your CPU. Please, use a broadband connection. This project requires a fast connection. If you have a 56k line you have to wait for some minutes before loading images and objects (7-8? minutes with the risk of bad loading-visualization). This project requires also a minimum of 64Mb RAM. Best view: 1024 x 768. Browser: 6 versions - funding sources, calls for proposals, cooperation opportunities etc. - for artists, theoreticians or administrators of contemporary art who operate with/in Slovenia (3/4 of data internationally relevant). - free of charge, no passwords, all sources acknowledged. - copyleft: reproduction and free redistribution encouraged, provided the source is acknowledged. - Artservis in numbers: over 850 entries in the database; over 250 visitors per day; over 70 newsletters (currently sent to over 900 subscribers. Online since August 2001. Google built a database of associations by making inferences from the linking behavior of the web; firmament.to redistributes those associations to each single page. It turns any HTML web page into an index for the rest of the web; click an any word to be taken to a related page. By fulfilling the promise of hypertext with a fanatical rigor, firmament.to turns the web inside-out. “The Progress? Project” This project is the trial of a new WEB-BASED DISCURSIVE ACTIVIST TACTIC. In response to the fact that most recent globalized political and cultural exchanges have been mediated by economic power elites, I will attempt to “jam” hegemonic flows by catalyzing a grassroots exchange of critical social thought between Canadian and Slovenian youth. This exchange will take the form of a “Dialogue” because this type of communication may have an innate power to create social change more lasting than disseminated advocacy. As the generative theme, "progress" has been chosen since it is sufficiently open-ended to allow the dialogue to evolve more freely and also because it necessarily involves an analysis of current constructions of power and future social alternatives. If this inter-cultural dialogue can be successfully set in motion with the use of an accessible internet platform and limited resources, it could signal the possibility of greater grassroots agency in the shaping of a globalized society. Contextin' Art is a mini-portal for the exploration of the context of art through art. The economic, political and social forces shaping the histories of art are visualized as artworks themselves. Contextin' takes cues from previous generations of artists engaged in "institutional critique" and "conceptual art," as well as calls from contemporary artivists to interrogate the desire for "techno-formalism" within institutions. The project began with the spring issue, including projects by Artofficial Construction Media, Are Flagan, Joy Garnett, Ryan Griffis, Stacy Hardy/Dror Eyal, Ricardo Miranda Zuñiga, and MSDM. The next issue will focus on the relationship between science and art institutions. This is a project that seeks to offer a speculative encounter with the set of ideas called 'globalisation' through utilising some of the new tools offered to researchers. I have recorded a bunch of people in the suburb where I live commenting on the things that they like in the area, and the things they dislike. I have asked people what they identify with in the suburb, how this has changed over time, and what they see as negative or positive changes. Succinctly, the raison d'être of the project is to create an oral history archive of Fitzroy in a period of rapid change and to try and understand some of these changes. The Art Interface Device (AID) is a microprocessor platform for building electronic installation art. It is a device that allows artists to process a variety of inputs and outputs for use in interactive installation and performance artworks. The associated AID web site will serve as a library of "worked" solutions to common electronic sensing, control and interfacing requirements. From this site the AID user community can download and contribute instructions, parts lists, circuit diagrams and other information relevant to the creation of electronic art. The AID system will be distributed under the General Public License and developed by the AID user community - that means you! Meetings for the Art Interface Device are held at InterAccess Electronic Media Arts Centre, which is located at 401 Richmond St. W, Suite 444, Toronto, Canada. The group meets every Sunday (unless otherwise noted on the mailing list) at 1 PM EST at Interaccess. Please join the AID mailing list by sending an e-mail to majordomo@interaccess.org with "subscribe aid" (no quotes!) in the body. More detailed information is available at http://www.interaccess.org/aid/ AID is supported by its many developers, InterAccess Electronic Media Arts Centre, and the Canada Council. |