Location: KARLSPLATZ Project Space, Kunsthalle Wien, Treitlstrasse 2, 1040 Vienna The whole conference will be streamed live. Introduction Session 1: Free Intellectual Property The content industry is amassing an impressive array of technical and legal means to shore up the current intellectual property (IP) regime. However, the model proposed by the industry has its origin in the print world and seems inadequate for the electronic environments. Despite the great amount of resources marshaled by the industry, it is by no means a foregone conclusion that it will succeed. On the contrary, alternative models -- based on access and a lack of central control -- are proliferating, even in hostile environments. Eben Moglen: Free Software, Free Culture: After the dotCommunist Manifesto Professor of Law, Columbia University; Legal Counsel, Free Software Foundation; EFF Pioneer Award 2003 Bruce Sterling: Gray Markets and Information Warlords Novelist; Viridian Design Movement; Dead Media Project The Net's Underbelly: Irrepressible Crackers and Warez Cultures Session 2: Information Commons A series of technological innovations -- desktop publishing for layout, the Internet for distribution -- has made publishing texts easy and inexpensive. The publishing industry is in turmoil, some trying to protect their traditional turf while others are developing new ways of publishing. The academic world is at the forefront of innovation. In theory, all research results are published for the community at large freely to study and comment on, through the publication of further research. In practice, academic publications are becoming increasingly inaccessible, due to the proprietary nature of the journals in which they are published. Subscription prices have risen to such a degree that only very well-endowed universities can afford a comprehensive set of journals, particularly in the natural sciences. Since this form of 'sneaking' exclusion is contrary to academic ideals, it no surprise that new forms of publishing -- open access journals, self-archiving -- have begun to emerge. Ted Byfield: Technology, Turbulences and the Publishing Industry Parsons School of Design, NYC Darius Cuplinskas: Budapest Open Access Initiative: Creating an information commons Open Society Institute, Budapest Session 3: Free Networks Free Networks strive to realize some of the hopes that were once associated with the Internet, for example that it would be a truly de-centralized, non-hierarchical network structure. Free networks have the benefit of allowing real freedom of expression and the free sharing of digital data among peer groups in communities. Free Networks are not about prescribing the use of one or the other technology, but currently wireless Internet technology gives them an edge. The use of wireless LAN enables them to cut out the telecommunications cost for the local loop, the last mile that goes into the household. Broadband internet becomes available for free or cheaply. Free networks establish real alternatives for the provision of network communications by empowering the users to own and run their own networks. Taking their cue from the free software movement, free networks seek to liberate the infrastructure of networked communications from the claws of corporate power. Armin Medosch: Free Networks: An Alternative Communication Model? Artist; Writer Julian Priest: Wireless: From Network to Community consume.net Panel Discussion Location: KARLSPLATZ Project Space, Kunsthalle Wien, Treitlstrasse 2, 1040 Vienna The whole conference will be streamed live. |