Open Cultures
Documentation Clip 10min
Ted Byfield
Technology, Turbulences and the Publishing Industry
Shu Lea Cheang
Art and Piracy
Darius Cuplinskas
Budapest Open Access Initiative: Creating an information commons
Peter Eckersley
Alternative Remuneration Systems
Sascha Kösch
Sampling, mixing, ripping: music as free flow
James Love
Paying for works, Access to Works, Medicines, Software and Music
Armin Medosch
Free Networks: An Alternative Communication Model?
Eben Moglen
Free Software, Free Culture: After the dotCommunist Manifesto
Erik Möller
Loud and Clear: How Internet Media Can Work
Andy Müller-Maguhn
Governance Gone Wrong: Lessons from the ICANN Debacle
Julian Priest
Wireless: From Network to Community
Shuddhabrata Sengupta
Networks of Intention and Accidental Generosities - A Circuit Diagram
Bruce Sterling
Gray Markets and Information Warlords
Alan Toner
Free Distro: Distributing independent films and other large media files
More documentation and video streams of the conference will be online soon.
Detailed Schedule 5 June | Detailed Schedule 6 June