Ted Byfield (US)
Lecturer Parson's School of Design; editor icannwatch.org and reconstructionreport.org; moderator nettime mailing list
Shu Lea Cheang (TW/US)
Digital nomadic artist
Darius Cuplinskas (HU)
Director Information Program / Open Society Institute, co-initiator Open Access Initiative Budapest
Peter Eckersley (AU)
PhD student Computer Science / Intellectual Property Research Institute University of Melbourne
Adam Hyde (NZ)
Musician, developer and format artist; co-founder r a d i o q u a l i a and HelpB92; initiator Net Congestion; lecturer University of Amsterdam.
Christoph Kummerer (AT/CH)
Artist, co-founder pilot.fm
Sascha Kösch (DE)
aka DJ Bleed; editor and publisher De:Bug
James Love (US)
Director Consumer Project on Technology / Center for Study of Responsive Law
Armin Medosch (AT/UK)
Writer, artist and curator; co-founder Telepolis
Eben Moglen (US)
Professor of Law Columbia University New York; Board Member and General Counsel Free Software Foundation
Erik Möller (DE)
Media and computer scientist and journalist; founder Infoanarchy.Org; editor Der Humanist
Andy Müller-Maguhn (DE)
Speaker Chaos Computer Club; European ICANN director
Julian Priest (UK)
Co-founder consume.net
Shuddhabrata Sengupta (IN)
Media practitioner, artist, writer; member Raqs Media Collective
Bruce Sterling (US)
Author, journalist and critic; contributing editor WIRED magazine
Alan Toner (IR/US)
Fellow Information Law Institute / New York University; member Autonomedia
Franz Xaver (AT)